Thursday, March 29, 2012
To comprehend Saundarya Lahiri .,it is important to have an in depth knowledge of Shri Chakra.
The representation of a deity in the form of a Mantra or Yantra is more subtle than its representation through an image.
Yantra is derived from the root word, “Yam” meaning “to control” and “tra” from the root word trayati meaning ,” to liberate”. Thus yantra is that which controls and liberates.
Yantra are the visual equivalents of the mantras. Yantra has the mantra as its soul and the Mantra has the deity as its soul. The mantra is to the deity as the body is to the soul. The deity is invoked by meditating on the yantra and calling its subtle name (bija akshara).
Shri yantra is formed by nine interlocking triangles, five of which point downwards representing Shakti and four triangles pointing upwards representing Shiva. Together these 9 triangles are interlaced in such a manner so as to form forty three smaller triangles.
The nine levels of the Shri Chakara starting from the periphery are –
1.Bhupura – It is a square of three lines with four portals;(i)Outer quadrangle denotes eight sidhis.( white lines)
(ii)Second quadrangle denotes eight matrikas (orange-red lines).
(iii)Inner quadrangle denote ten mudras(yellow lines).
. Location : Devis feet ,Trailokya mohan चक्र
Inside the Bhupura lie three concentric circles called Trivalaya ;Hue : Pink lotus ;Presiding deity :Tripureshi ;Mudra : carries a book and rosary ,Sarvasamkshobhini- dram ;
Mantra: Am am sauh ;
2.Sarva Aasa Paripuraka chakra is of the shape of sixteen petalled lotus ; Yogini :Gupt ; Presiding deity : Tripureshi , ornamented with gems,
.Sixteen Devis of this avarana are called sixteen Nitya Kalas or Nitya Devis
Yoginis :Gupt.( Sixteen yoginis represent sixteen vowels of Sanskrit language and they are worshipped with sixteen vowels as their bija mantras.)
The sixteen akarshini shakti control Kama, Buddhi, Ahamkara, Shabda, Sparsha , Roop, Vasa, Gandha, Chitt, Dhairya, Smriti, Naam, Beej, Atma, Amrit, Sharir.
Mudra – noose, goad, pot of nectar and boon-giving posture. She has a red hue. Location :Hips and girdle of the Goddess;
Mantra:Aim Klim Sauh
3. Sarva Samkshobhna Chakra – Eight petalled lotus; ; Yogini – Gupta Tara presiding deity – Tripura Sundari; Hue – that of Bandhuk flower; Mudra – dispelling fears and granting boons. Passionate smile and eyes full of bliss;Residing deity : 8 devis like Ananga Kusuma, Ananga Mekhla ..;the eight erotic sentiments; chakra which agitates everyone ; ;Location :swadishthan chakra ;
Mantra : Hrim Klim Sauh
4. Sarvasaubhagyadayaka Chakra- 14 triangles ;Yogini :Sampradaya ; Presiding Deity-Tripur Vasini; Hue : green color like that of glow worm ; Mudra:Sarva Vasamkari –Blum ; Residing deity14 devis like sarva samkshobhini,sarva vidravini…; Location:Mooladhar chakra ;
Mantra :Haim Hklim Hsauh.
5.Sarvaartha sadhak Chakra-Bahir Dashar ;Yogini : Kulottirna ; Presiding deity :Tripurasri Chakreswari ;Hue : clour of Japa kusuma flower.; Mudra :Sarvonmadini-saha; accomplisher of all desires;Residing deity :10 devis like sarva sidhiprada, sarva sampatprada.. ; Location : Manipur chakra ;
Mantra:Hsaim Hsklim Hssauh
6.Sarva raksa hara chakra – Antardashar; Yogini :Nigarbha ; Presiding Deity :Tripur Malini ;Hue :blue; Mudra :Sarva Mahaankush – Krom ;giver of all protection ;Residing deity :10 devis like sarvajna ,sarvashakti… Location : Anahat chakra;
Mantra :Hrim Klim Blem.
7.Sarvarogahara chakra –asta kona ;Yogini :rahasya ;Presiding Deity :Tripur sidha;Hue: red like dadini flower ; Mudra :Sarva Khechari – Hsaka phrem ; remover of all diseases;Residing devis -8 forms of Saraswati ,ie 8 Vagdevis ; Location :Visudhi chakra ;
Mantra :Hrim Srim Sauh ;
8.Sarvasidhiprada chakra :inverted triangle ;Yogini :Atirahasya ;Presiding deity :Tripuramba chakreswari ;Hue :white ; Mudra :sarva bija –Hsaum ;giver of all accomplishments ; residing deity:Devi as triangle with two arms and one eye.; Location :Ajna chakra ;
Mantra :Hsraim Hsrklim Hsrsauh
9. Sarvaanandamayi chakra :bindu ;Yogini:Atirahasya;Presiding deity :Srimahachakreswari ;Hue :red like sindoor ;Mudra :Sarva yoni –aim ;sat chitt ananda; Residing deity: Lalita devi united with Shiva;Location : Sahasraar chakra ;
Mantra:Ka e I la hrim, Ha sa ka ha la hrim , Sa ka la hrim.
happy navratras..