Thursday, March 29, 2012

SAUNDARYA LAHIRI by Adishankracharya

Saundarya Lahiri , meaning , waves of beauty, describes the profound beauty of theGoddess. It consists of 101 Shlokas. It is believed, that the first 41 stanzas were brought by Shankaracharya from Kailash. He is said to have met Parashakti and Parameshwar at Kailash who gave him five sphatik linga i.e. Sringeri(Bhoga linga), Kanchi(Yoga linga ),Kedar (mukti linga),Nepal (varalinga), and Chidambaram (Moksha linga).Devi has said to given him a sheaf of palm leaves manuscript containing Shrividya mantra depicting Amba herself.
The first part consisting of 41 Shlokas ,is called Ananda Lahiri, refers to the knowledge of tatva in Shakti Upasna.
The second part consists of 42-101 Shlokas. They describe the beauty of the Goddess Tripura Sundari from toe nail to the head.This is referred to as Saundarya Lahiri.
Shakti upasana is divided into two categories –
The Samay Marg –This worship refers to ,meditating on the Goddess from within the body, and
(ii) Kaula Marg is the worship of the sleeping kundalini i.e. Shakti at the Muladhara.
Saundarya Lahiri provides us with a deep insight of Shrividya Sadhana , details about the Shri Chakra Sadhana and worship of the Goddess Tripura Sundari .In Shrividya, Shri Chakra consists of nine steps which take us from the physical world to the realization of the self. In other words, it leads us from the outer worship of the Devi to the inner self.

Saundarya Lahiri praises the Goddess and establishes her oneness with Shiva .Whenever there is Shakti, there has to be an Ashrayain, i.e. a base for it. For instance a fragrance or a color is an abstract Shakti, which needs a base for it to exist. This base is Shiva or Brahma

Jnana and Maya are the opposite ends of the same phenomenon called life. Maya comprises of this physical world, the human mind and our senses. Vivek and Vairagya are needed to counter Maya.
Bhakti and prayers help us to focus our mind in noble direction .It purifies our minds and fills it with love for the self .This love for ones own self is reflected as the love for the outside world.
Jnana is the enquiry of the self.
Bhakti is like a glove which protects us while working to attain oneness with the high voltage current, the supreme source of energy i.e. Shiva, thus completing our journey from Dvait to Advait.

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